Living on my own, without too much time to spend preparing meals all day, I have found that it is imperative to stock my kitchen with things that can be whipped together at a moments notice. After a long day of classes, practice, homework, whatever it is, when I get home late I usually just want to eat something and then relax. Standing over the stove is the last thing on my list of things I want to do. Keeping these five items stocked in my freezer makes life a million times easier, and the adjustability of the portion sizes is also great for when friends decide to visit last minute.
1. Chicken

I always like to keep a bag of meatballs in my freezer. They make for a great addition to pasta dishes, but they can also be a great quick meal after a long day. Sometimes I will get home after a long day, throw a handful into a bowl in the microwave with some sauce (pasta, barbecue, buffalo--whatever I feel like) and cook them up. I usually add some cheese and boom... Instant meal :)
Other similar options: Chicken Nuggets, Perogies, or a Frozen Pizza

Alexa introduced me to this bag at Sam's Club. This bag of individual, microwavable portions of edamame soy beans (we call them Edamoms) is great for a snack for 2-3 people in less than five minutes. I made a package for myself one time and couldn't finish them, but we usually split a bag when we hang out and the portions are perfect (and healthy!). They even come with individual bags of sea salt to pour on top.

4. Frozen Fruit
I make a lot of protein shakes after workouts, well... at least I try to. I have found that it is great to have a bag of frozen fruit available. Not only does it add to the nutrient density of the shake, but it saves fruit from rotting in the fridge (I have found that chopping fruit that I wont have time to use and freezing it before it goes bad is a good way to prevent the second, but buying pre-frozen bags is a bit of a time saver).
5. Dark chocolate with Sea Salt
Ok, so this might not be a meal essential, but my teammates have gotten me hooked on keeping a bar of dark chocolate in the freezer. A square of dark chocolate after a meal is a great "healthier" guilty pleasure (or a good pick-me-up after a long day). You work hard, you deserve a treat :)
Leave a comment! :) What are your freezer essentials?